Shue v. Ohio Dept. of Rehab. & Corr.: One Year Means One Year, and Other Valuable Lessons From the Tenth District Court of Appeals The Tenth District Court of Appeals recently decided the case of Shue v. Ohio Dept. of Rehab. & Corr. This case clarifies a rule...
Ohio’s Eleventh District Court of Appeals recently decided the case of Eyajan v. Eyajan. This was a case involving a domestic violence civil protection order, apparently between two people who were related. The civil protection order was granted, on facts that...
Thompson v. Knobeloch: An Appellate Lesson, Courtesy of the Tenth District Court of Appeals The Tenth District Court of Appeals recently decided the case of Thompson v. Knobeloch, a lawyer’s worst nightmare. Ohio appellate attorneys must take note. This was a...
The Frustrations of Trying to Collect on a Judgment, as Illustrated by Broadmoor Ctr., L.L.C. v. Dallin The difficulty of collecting a judgment is major reason that a lot of cases settle. Ohio’s Tenth District Court of Appeals recently decided the case of...
In Ohio, Uphill Landowners Have No Duty to Downhill Property Owners to Repair Landslide Damage or Prevent Future Landslides, Declares Ohio’s First District Court of Appeals in R&R Family Invests. v. Plastic Moldings Corp. The First District Court of Appeals...
Read This Case Before You Steal Your Boss’s Clients: Cautionary Tales from Definitive Sols. Co. v. Sliper Ohio’s First District Court of Appeals, which covers Cincinnati/Hamilton County, recently decided the case of Definitive Sols. Co. v. Sliper, 1st...