Durst Kerridge practices heavily in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, often as Ohio local counsel, and for that reason, we closely monitor all developments and local rule changes.
Practice in the Southern District is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the SDOH’s Local Civil and Criminal Rules, and the various Judges’ Standing Orders.
As set forth in General Order 24-07, the SDOH has again amended its Local Civil and Criminal Rules.
This time, the only change was the addition of Local Rule 3.3.
New Local Rule 3.3
Rule 3.3 (which, as of press time, is mislabeled as Rule 3.2) applies to patent, trademark and copyright cases filed in the Southern District of Ohio, including the Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus Divisions. The Rule provides as follows:
3.3 Patent, Trademark and Copyright Cases
(a) Patent and Trademark. In all cases involving patent or trademark claims, a party filing a complaint, amended complaint, counterclaim or any other pleading that adds a new patent or trademark to the case must file with the Court, an AO 120 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding a Patent or Trademark Form identifying the patent and/or trademark number(s).
(b) Copyright. In all cases involving copyright claims, a party filing a complaint, amended complaint, counterclaim or any other pleading that adds a new copyright to the case must file with the Court, an AO 121 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright Form identifying the copyright registration number(s).
Effective Date
These amendments are effective as of October 21, 2024.
About Durst Kerridge
Durst Kerridge is an Ohio-based commercial litigation boutique that practices extensively in the Southern District of Ohio, including in Patent, Trademark and Copyright cases. We are committed to staying at the forefront of new developments in the courts in which we practice, in order to provide the best representation possible. Call Durst Kerridge at (513) 621-4999 or contact Alex J. Durst or Paul R. Kerridge directly.